Category: Voice

Because they are talking to themselves… Because they are on learned lines which is highly unnatural… Because they are embarrassed by the script… Because the new lines came under the hotel bedroom door at 3am Because THEY came in the hotel bedroom door at 3am… Because it’s a night shoot – the night after a […]

Someone recently contacted me to see how I feel about microphones being used in theatre. Was projection dead? If so – why? Is it because we are more used to recorded voices? And what should we do? His students found conversational plays the hardest in which to reach an audience past the fifth row. I […]

Time for those resolutions… Instead – think of it as dusting off the cobwebs and letting in the sparkle… Some quick thoughts for basking in that sunshine that will grow brighter as the weeks go by: 1. Step out of your own shadow. Allow yourself to believe that you are worthy of doing what you […]

It’s really important to stay on relaxed breathing when nerves set in at the audition or performance – or for any public speaking. If you go into upper chest breathing, you get an imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide which makes you feel dizzy, nervous, sound unconfident and stops you thinking clearly. That’s why it’s […]

Breathing for Confidence It’s really important to stay on relaxed breathing when nerves set in at the audition or performance. If you go into upper chest breathing, you get an imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide which makes you feel dizzy, nervous, sound unconfident and stops you thinking clearly. That’s why it’s called a ‘fight […]

What is a Sexy Voice? What do we hear as a sexy voice?  Some time ago, I was asked to supply some comments for a Channel Four programme on the 100 sexiest film voices. I was asked to offer some thoughts on a list of some famously ‘sexy’ voices including Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando, Joanna […]

SourceURL:file:///Users/annchurcher/Documents/Teaching/RP%20extras.doc ‘S’ turns to ‘Z’ in most words with long vowels or those followed by ‘e’ (There are, as always, exceptions!) So ‘rise’ becomes ‘riZe’ ‘says’ becomes ‘sayZ’. In English ‘V’ is a consonant and always made by pressing top teeth against bottom lip. It is always sounded when ‘V’ appears and never changes to […]

It’s really important to stay on relaxed breathing when nerves set in at the audition, presentation or interview. if you go into upper chest breathing, you get an imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide which makes you feel dizzy, nervous, sound unconfident and stops you thinking clearly. That’s why it’s called a ‘fight and flight’ […]